Thrive, not Just Survive, When You Move Out

Dear Unc, I’m in my early 20’s and live at home with my dad and younger brother. Most of my friends have moved out of their parent’s house and are living on their own. Some of them are really struggling, barely able to pay for food, and living on friends’ couches. Others seem to be […]

Career Crossroads: Comfort vs Growth Opportunity

Hi Unc, I’m kind of at a crossroads in life right now. I’m 28 and have been with my current employer for the past five years.  It is a great company and I really enjoy my job. Recently, one of our clients has offered me an opportunity with them which would place me in a management […]

Planning for Our Children’s Future

Dear Unc, I am the mother of twin boys who are currently experiencing their terrible twos.  My husband and I have been having conversations about their futures and how to best plan for them.  Sam (an alias) is convinced that we need to set up a college fund for each of the boys into which […]

Searching for Answers at New Years

Hi Unc! I’m in my late 20s, have a decent job, drive a decent car and have my own apartment.  I have a good group of friends that I hang out with and I date fairly regularly . . . so what’s the problem right?  I feel lost.  It looks like I have everything together, […]

Help – My Dad’s an Alcoholic!

Hi Unc, When I was growing up my dad would often get drunk at the holiday family gatherings. Dad was a happy drunk, but would on occasion become loud and belligerent. On these occasions the night would end up with my mom crying, my grandmother yelling at my dad, and all of the kids heading […]